Landscape Series: A Declaration of Concern for the Summit on Landscape Architecture and the Future

Landscape Series: A Declaration of Concern for the Summit on Landscape Architecture and the Future
50 years ago, in 1966, a small group of landscape architects met in Philadelphia to share their concern for the quality of the American environment and its future. They prepared a “declaration of concern” with the hope of affecting positive long-term change. Here is a bit of what they said: ….. “We urge a new, collaborative effort to improve the American ...

Room to Roam (Part deux): Live/Learn/Work/Play

Room to Roam (Part deux): Live/Learn/Work/Play
Today’s world voyager has a multitude of choices when it comes to travel; kind of like a rendition of choose your adventure. An integral part of planning this journey is what type of accommodation to choose and at what price range. Moreover, it’s now possible to easily diversify and add to your tourist experience with many ...