Magic in the Mountains | Peru in 50 Photos

Magic in the Mountains | Peru in 50 Photos

Maybe the most spiritual place I visited in South America- Peru, and especially Cusco, still exude the mystical energy of the Incas surrounded by a gorgeous mountainous landscape. The combination of traditional culture with modern tourism; locals and foreigners living among one another; the mystery of a lost civilization and the emergence of Spanish and New World influences; Peru is a unique and special place. Not to mention the excellent food, low prices all around, friendly people and, of course, Machu Picchu.

So, what better time to share some photos of my time in Peru than when I’m visiting the source of much of their history, architecture, religion and language- and of course the conquering and destruction of their native culture- But let’s let bygones be bygones.

Let me diverge a bit- Yes, I’m in Spain and I have slimmed down a bit; both in body weight and backpack weight (maybe I’ll write about my vegetarian and no-alcohol month another time). Another big change for my travels through Europe and Asia is that I didn’t bring my MacBook Pro with me. It was so heavy with the accessories, like the charger and external hard drive. So, I put all my important files on the cloud and brought my iPad 4th generation with a bluetooth keyboard.

This is also a “quick test,” if you will, to see how this post turns out and how to adjust to this technological change. So far, it’s taken me 5x as long to upload photos, as the Word Press app kept failing. In the end, however, my back and spine will thank me.

So, back to Peru. I only had a little over two weeks there and I really would have liked to see more. Cusco, Pisac and Lima are all I could visit, but what a time I had there. I took many photos. These are some of the best, I think. I hope you enjoy them and that you also get a slight, minuscule sense of the magic of this place.





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