Barcelona or Bust: Reasons for Revisiting Places

Barcelona or Bust: Reasons for Revisiting Places

I had a plan- see some new and exotic places around the world, but also go back to locations I loved and fondly remembered- to get to know them better, deeper and more intimitley. Like reading a good book for the second time, revisiting a city gives the opportunity for a richer immersion in a culture and landscape; A reuniting of old kindred spirits that you once knew when you were younger.

Yes, adding new countries to the list feels nice; A sort of measuring stick for how well traveled one is- Yet, if resources allow, spending quality time and revisiting places broaden and enrich the connection to that place. That’s what my plan was and that’s what I am doing.

This would be my third trip to Barcelona in seven years. My first time was back in the summer of 2009. Just divorced and longing for some new adventures, my first backpacking experience would be exactly what I needed- and always dreamed of. And exactly as the idea for my current RTW trip began, it all can be traced back to a conversation and a challenge.

Me: I’ve always wanted to go to Europe. How cool would it be to spend a month there, or even a year!?! One day I’ll go. 

Friend: Well, why don’t you just do it… Like now??

Me: Ahh, well, you know- it costs a lot and it’s so far and blah, blah, blah. (Subtext: I’m scared and nervous with the idea of being out of my comfort zone and going to a foreign land.)

Friend: If you want to and can, you should do it. Just do it. Go! Just go!!

Me (In my head): Holy macaroni, I could just book a ticket and go. It’s not difficult at all. Whoa- why have I never realized how easy it could be? I’m going to do it. I’m going to go!!!

This is how it happened back in 2009 (kind of) and also how it similarly happened in 2015. All it took were three simple steps: Step 1- Have a dream; Step 2- Talk about your dream to good friends; Step 3- Have your good friends tell you you’re a being a pussy and that you should stop whining and making excuses and do what your dreaming of so they can stop hearing you talk about it all the time. It can be so simple.


There are so many ways to travel- or do anything for that matter. The important part is if you dream it, you can do it. Just do it! Making a dream come true is an investment in your current and future happiness. Travel has the further benefit of increasing your empathy and understanding of people and things different from you; in your ability to deal with uncomfortable and uncommon situations; to adapt and adjust- and it’s just plain fun.

Barcelona has once again proven itself to be one of my favorite cities I’ve yet traveled to. It has it all; the culture, the architecture, the food, the parks, the infrastructure, the diversity, the beach, the hills and the history. What else can a city offer?

I loved my time there and I have a feeling it won’t be my last.


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